After another hearty breakfast of all-you-can-eat eggs, bacon, and pancakes, we hit the trail at 6 am. We follow the River Trail to the Bright Angel Trail (description, map)
The River Trail (between #101 & #107 on map):
Here am I turning onto the Bright Angel Trail (#109 on map). My enthusiasm knows no bounds!
The Bright Angel Trail follows a small canyon towards the South Rim, so we get to start the day in the shade (#117 on map).
Climbing, climbing, climbing (#129 on map)...
Looking back towards the North Rim (#135 on map).
We are finally almost out of the Inner Gorge. This picture looks down showing where we came from.
Continuing towards the halfway point at Indian Garden (#149 on map). That is Jason (and his freakin' broken ankle) at the rear. Let me take this opportunity to point out his dorky hat...At Indian Garden, while Jill chatted with everyone at the rest stop, the rest of us had lunch, filled our water bottles, and fended off the squirrels.
Unfortunately, it is time to go again and now no more shade!
Here is the disheartening view as we left Indian Garden (#163 on map). We have to go to the far back corner in the middle of the picture and ascend to the top! I am not sure human beings are meant to do that.
It is starting to look an awful lot like trudging versus hiking (#167 on map).
Jill eating some mule dust...we hate the vile (<-Mark's word) mule people!
Starting to fully understand what is between me and an ice cream cone...
But remember, switchbacks are our friends (around #178 on map).